A Step-by-Step Guide to Manuscript Plagiarism Removal

A Step-by-Step Guide to Manuscript Plagiarism Removal

According to surveys conducted by Dr. Donald McCabe and the International Center for Academic Integrity, A 2020 study of turnitin found that about 68% of undergraduate students have admitted to cheating in their assignments. It's because they are not being able to figure out the plagiarism before hand. Manuscript plagiarism removal is a process that helps writers ensure their work is original and free from copied content. Imagine, for instance, someone using another's  words or ideas without giving proper credit. This is an example of plagiarism in Manuscript. But fear not! The Manuscript Plagiarism Removal process is here to help. In this guide, we will not only tell you how to avoid plagiarism in your work but also we will tell you some free and paid softwares which can help you to deliver plagiarism-free work. So, let’s begin.

Types of Plagiarism and Example of Plagiarism in Manuscript

1. The types of plagiarism include direct, mosaic, self, accidental, and paraphrasing plagiarism. 

2. An example of plagiarism in a manuscript is when a person copies a part of someone else's writing without giving them credit. Imagine if you wrote a story and someone else used your exact words in their own story without saying it was originally yours - that's plagiarism in a manuscript. It's like taking someone's work and pretending it's your own.

Plagiarism Detection Softwares (Free and Paid)

Now, the most important question is how will you even know if your research manuscript is plagiarized or not? Here the importance of the plagiarism detection softwares comes in. So, here are a list of some free and paid softwares for plagiarism detection:


- Scribbr offers a limited free version of its plagiarism checker, which is powered by Turnitin. It has access to most content databases and can detect plagiarism in both exact copies and heavily edited plagiarized texts.

- Enago Plagiarism Checker is another free tool that is powered by Turnitin. It is specifically designed for research papers and journal articles, and it has access to a database of over 16,000 online journals.

- Online duplicate content can be found using Copyscape, a specialised plagiarism detector that is available for free use. It has a massive database of over 16 billion web pages and ProQuest's databases.

- A free plagiarism checker is available from Grammarly, which analyses your writing for instances of duplicate content and calculates the similarity rate. However, the free version of Grammarly only checks the first 1,000 words of your text.

Duplichecker is a free plagiarism checker that has no word limit. It can also be used to check for plagiarism in images and audio files.


- Turnitin is one of the most popular and widely used plagiarism detection software programs. It is used by many universities and publishers around the world. Turnitin offers a variety of pricing plans, starting at $4.95 per month for students.

- Grammarly Business is another popular plagiarism detection software program. It offers a variety of features, including plagiarism detection, grammar checking, and style suggestions. Grammarly Business starts at $12.99 per month per user.

- Quetext is a paid plagiarism detection software program that is specifically designed for students and researchers. It offers a variety of features, including plagiarism detection, citation assistance, and grammar checking. Quetext starts at $9.99 per month.

- Copyscape Premium is a paid plagiarism detection software program that offers a variety of features, including plagiarism detection, image plagiarism detection, and code plagiarism detection. Copyscape Premium starts at $29.95 per month.

- ProWritingAid is a paid plagiarism detection and grammar-checking software program. It offers a variety of features, including plagiarism detection, grammar checking, and style suggestions. ProWritingAid starts at $19.95 per month.

Steps to Ensure Plagiarism-free Work

Direct Plagiarism: 

Direct plagiarism involves copying verbatim sections of another person's work without proper citation or attribution. 

To remove direct plagiarism from your research manuscript, first, identify the exact copied parts. Then, replace those sections with your own words while keeping the original meaning intact. Ensure you provide proper citations for the original source. Additionally, double-check all quotations, placing them in quotation marks and attributing them correctly. 

If you can't rephrase a particular section, consider omitting it or seeking permission from the original author. Finally, use plagiarism detection tools to verify that all instances of direct copying have been eliminated. This process safeguards your work's integrity, ensuring it's entirely your own and upholds academic standards.

Mosaic Plagiarism: 

Mosaic plagiarism involves combining various sources without proper citation, creating a patchwork of borrowed material in a research work. 

To address mosaic plagiarism in your research manuscript, you should start by identifying the sections that are pieced together from various sources without proper attribution. Next, rewrite these passages in your own words, making sure to maintain the original meaning. 

Properly cite all the sources you use, giving credit to the original authors. Check that your writing style is consistent throughout the manuscript. This process guarantees that your work is authentic and aligns with academic integrity standards.

Self Plagiarism: 

Self-plagiarism, also known as autoplagiarism, occurs when an author republishes their own previously written work or uses significant portions of it without proper citation or permission. 

To rectify self-plagiarism in your research manuscript, begin by identifying any previously used content. Next, rephrase or rewrite those sections with fresh language while preserving the original meaning. Make sure to provide clear citations to your earlier work, acknowledging it as the source. 

If a substantial portion of your previous work is being reused, seek permission from the copyright holder, which is often yourself. Remember, transparency is key - inform your readers about any recycled content. By taking these steps, you ensure your manuscript is original, respects academic standards, and maintains integrity in scholarly publishing.

Accidental Plagiarism: 

Accidental plagiarism occurs when a person unintentionally fails to give proper credit to the original source of information used in their work. 

To eliminate accidental plagiarism from your research manuscript, you should start by thoroughly reviewing your work. Check all the information you've included, and make sure you've properly credited the sources. If you discover missing citations, add them right away. Also, be extra cautious with paraphrasing – make sure it's not too similar to the original text. 

Consider using quotation marks for any direct quotes and providing proper citations. Lastly, use plagiarism detection tools to scan your manuscript, which can help pinpoint any unintentional matches to external sources. By diligently following these steps, you'll ensure that your research manuscript is free from accidental plagiarism, maintaining its integrity.

Paraphrasing Plagiarism: 

Paraphrasing plagiarism involves rephrasing someone else's work without giving proper credit, making it appear as one's original content. 

To rectify paraphrasing plagiarism in your research manuscript, start by understanding the original source thoroughly. Then, put the source away and express the same idea in your own words. Ensure the structure and wording are entirely different from the original. Compare your paraphrased version with the initial source to guarantee it's distinct. 

Always remember to provide proper citation to credit the original author. By following these steps, you'll not only avoid paraphrasing plagiarism but also showcase your understanding of the material in a way that respects academic integrity. This ensures your work remains authentic and reliable in the scholarly community.

Final Thoughts

Understanding the importance of Manuscript Plagiarism Removal is vital for maintaining the integrity of your research. Remember, an example of plagiarism in Manuscript could be using someone else's words without giving them credit which can lead to severe consequences. The Manuscript Plagiarism Removal process, as outlined in this guide, equips you with practical steps to ensure your work is entirely your own. Did you know A total of 17% of 400 consecutively submitted manuscripts exhibited unacceptable levels of plagiarism, and 82% of those submissions came from nations where English was not the official language? By following these steps, you safeguard your credibility and contribute to the honesty of scholarly work. So, always double-check your sources, cite them correctly, and run your manuscript through plagiarism checkers. This way, you can be confident that your research stands on a solid foundation of authenticity and originality. Now, if you want the help of an expert, consider ztjournalhelp.

Ztjournalhelp offers a Manuscript Plagiarism Removal service for research papers, thesis, and dissertations. They use duplicate content detection, paraphrasing, reference verification, thorough plagiarism scan, citation check, proper quotation, text similarity detection and reporting and correction to ensure that the manuscript is plagiarism-free. Apart from that, they also conduct a 6-step Manuscript Plagiarism Removal process to ensure that your work is original and it becomes a high-quality research paper. So, check out ztjournalhelp to get your research manuscript written by the experts. 


1. How is plagiarism detected in Manuscripts?

Plagiarism in manuscripts is detected using specialized software that compares the text with a vast database of existing works.

2. What are the common types of plagiarism?

Common types of plagiarism include direct, mosaic, self, accidental, and paraphrasing plagiarism.

3. How much plagiarism is allowed in the manuscript?

Generally, no amount of plagiarism is allowed in a manuscript; all content must be original or properly cited.

4. What are the ways to avoid plagiarism in Manuscripts?

To avoid plagiarism in manuscripts, researchers should cite sources accurately, use quotation marks for direct quotes, and paraphrase while giving credit to the original authors.

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